BI and analytics

Maximum aid €8,000

The objective of this category is to enable you to exploit your company's data to improve the decision-making process.

Features and services

You will have access to other databases and the ability to make comparisons with the data displayed.

You will have a minimum storage capacity of 1 GB per user.

You will have personalized data panels with relevant data and different forms of visualization.

You can export data to images or Excel documents, creating synergies and compatibility with different programs that you commonly use.

* Segment IV includes companies with fewer than 50 employees that are considered medium-sized companies as they exceed an annual turnover and annual balance sheet of 10 million euros.

Execution percentages associated with the phases

  • First: 70 %
  • Second: 30 %

Maximum amount of aid

  • 0 < X < 3 employees: €1,500 (includes 1 user)
  • 3 ≤ X < 10 employees: €2,000 (includes 1 user)
  • 10 ≤ X < 50 employees: €4,000 (includes 3 users)
  • 50* ≤ X < 100 employees: €7,000 (includes 10 users)
  • 100 ≤ X < 250 employees: €8,000 (includes 15 users)

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